Parents in cars must turn up 15 minutes before school ends
STAFF travelling to the new college at Les Beaucamps will have to use alternatives to the car, a traffic impact assessment says.

By 2025, de Saumarez College will see an increase in pupils from 489 to around 1,500.
The number of staff is expected to increase from 66 to approximately 180.
Car parking will remain at current levels of 135 spaces.
‘The travel survey of LBHS suggests that all staff travel to school by car, 88% as a driver and 12% as a passenger, so most cars are single occupancy,’ the assessment report says.
‘If this trend were to continue, there would not be enough parking within the grounds of de Saumarez College. This will need to be reduced by switching to other modes of travel.’
In a worst-case scenario, it is estimated that 409 vehicles will drop off pupils in the morning and 234 will be there for the afternoon pick-up.
This will take place in the main car park.
To reduce traffic near the school, parents will be required to arrive 15 minutes before school starts/ends.
They will not be allowed to leave until all school buses have left, typically around 10 minutes after the end of the school day.
Surrounding roads will also have parking banned between 8 and 9am and 2.30 to 4.30pm every weekday.
The travel plan says that school bus routes will be reviewed to make them more attractive, with all pupils more than a mile away allowed to go on the bus for free.
‘With the improvements to the school bus service it is estimated that approximately 628 pupils would travel by this mode in the morning and 656 in the afternoon. Given the average bus accommodates around 42 pupils, there would need to be a minimum of 16 school buses operating at the end of the school day.’
A 20mph zone will start at the southern end of Les Beaucamps just after the junction with Rue des Eturs, and from the Rue des Deslisles junction with Ruette des Delisles up to Les Beaucamps, along Les Beaucamps through the junction with Mont d’Aval. The zone is also proposed to extend to Castel Primary School along Rue de la Masse.
The potential to introduce a reduced speed limit of 25mph on Les Eturs in the vicinity of the junction with Les Beaucamps will be explored with Traffic and Highway Services.
The planning application is currently available to view in person at Sir Charles Frossard House and college site plans, including the traffic impact assessments, can be viewed at The closing date for representations is Thursday 23 January.
VIEWS among neighbours of Les Beaucamps High are polarised on what impact enlarging the school could have on them. Read more here.