Rescued guillemots are released back into wild
THREE oiled guillemots rescued by the GSPCA have been released back into the wild.

‘We named them Gallileo, rescued from Ladies Bay, Guillbert, from Le Picquerel, and Guilly, who was rescued from Petit Bot,’ said GSPCA manager Steve Byrne.
‘They were released from Rousse pier.
‘We strive to get each of the 2,000-plus wild animals we help a year back to the wild but it is never easy when they are oiled as they are often so poorly.
‘Sadly when we see severe stormy weather oil can be stirred up, which is what we think has happened, and with possible rough weather ahead we could see more.
‘If you see an oiled bird please call us immediately as if you try to chase and catch it they will often try and make it back out to sea. Our emergency helpline number is 257261, which is answered 24/7.
‘There is also helpful advice online for anyone that finds an oiled bird.’
Yvonne Chauvel, senior animal care assistant, said she had had a truly lovely time releasing the guillemots back to where they belong.
‘They went so well and we ringed them before they left.
‘This has really helped as we often find out that many of the birds we release live for many years and do very well, although Guilly was found at the side of the road on Thursday and is back in our care. There isn’t much wrong with him so hopefully we will get him back to the wild soon.’

Animal care assistant Beckie Bailey, who looked after the birds, said many people don’t realise that even a small amount of oil – no more than a penny-sized drop – can be deadly to birds.
‘Understanding how oil affects birds can raise awareness of just how hazardous any oil spill or similar pollution can be.
‘The most obvious way oil affects birds is by coating their plumage in sticky, greasy slime.
‘In order to remove the oil from their feathers, oiled birds will begin to preen excessively, even desperately.
‘As they preen, they inadvertently ingest the toxic sludge, which will then poison their kidneys, liver, lungs, intestines, and other internal organs, causing a slow and agonising death.
‘If they do not die from the oil’s toxicity, their excessive preening in a desperate attempt to realign their feathers and get clean again will cost them more energy than they can spare.
‘Many oiled birds eventually succumb to exhaustion, dehydration, or starvation.’
Do not risk your safety by looking for or picking up birds in dangerous locations. Be aware of the tides and weather conditions.
If you do find an oiled bird and it is safe to pick it up, ensure that you are wearing gloves because the oil could be hazardous to your health.
The birds may also try to peck you, so keep them away from your face.
Collected birds should be placed on their own in cardboard boxes with newspaper or a towel.
Do not use hay or straw. The boxes should have ventilation holes.
Call the GSPCA 24-hour help line on 257261 or take the bird directly to the Animal Shelter in St Andrew’s.
Do not attempt to wash or feed the bird yourself – leave that to the shelter staff and volunteers who have the correct training and facilities.