Styx buys field behind the centre so that it can expand
STYX CENTRE at St Peter’s has unveiled ambitious plans for expansion.

The charitable organisation has recently arranged to buy the field behind the centre with a view to providing additional facilities for the community.
Under the proposal, the existing entrance and exit points would be closed and a new access road created from the gateway next to a derelict greenhouse on the La Route du Longfrie side.
A new playground would be created in the field with the existing one turned over for parking and the area around the centre would be pedestrianised.
The centre has suffered badly from a lack of parking for many years and the plan, along with the creation of more spaces adjoining the access road through the field, would increase parking from the current 30 spaces to about 80.
Styx Centre director Sue Noyon said there were almost 2,000 people movements at the centre each week and that did not include one-off events such as parties and quiz nights. Traffic safety had become a major concern.
‘Traffic and Highway Services is very supportive of what we hope to do,’ she said.
The decision will rest ultimately with the planners and Styx Centre is seeking feedback from the public.
‘The field is classed as an area of important open land but it can be turned over to community use as it’s part of the village hub,’ said Mrs Noyon.
‘Most of the neighbours in the immediate area are very supportive on the road safety aspect.’
The proposal also includes a therapeutic gardening area and an area for community events such as fetes.
Styx Centre aims to promote and facilitate a range of affordable, funded and subsidised activities that focus on health, wellbeing, sports, education, creativity and the arts.
The proposal is subject to planning approval and sourcing of funding. It is a long-term project with an estimated completion date of the end of 2021.
The plans are currently on display in the centre foyer along with a box for comments. Styx Centre has written to neighbours in the immediate area telling them what is being proposed.
. An informal drop-in session will take place at the centre from 7pm on Thursday at which people will be able to have their questions answered. All are welcome.