Guernsey Press

Limited response to data privacy sweep

JUST eight of 62 Bailiwick health care providers responded to a request to carry out a privacy sweep.

Data protection commissioner Emma Martins. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 27376143)

The Office of the Data Protection Authority has released the results of the seventh Global Privacy Enforcement Network’s annual privacy sweep.

During September and October last year, the ODPA requested information about how they were prepared for handling data breaches, their internal procedures and framework and the processes in place for preventing future breaches.

Both large and small organisations indicated a desire to operate effective procedures, understood how to report breaches and found the ODPA’s web-based guidance on breach reporting helpful. But just eight responded to the request.

Bailiwick data protection commissioner Emma Martins emphasised the importance of effective engagement.

‘We welcome every opportunity to connect with our regulated community and, although uptake was a little disappointing, the privacy sweep enabled us to gauge the level of understanding of breach reporting and was a useful intelligence gathering exercise, rather than part of any enforcement activities,’ she said.

‘Our office continues to support all local organisations with their data privacy activities, ensuring they are clear about expectations and understand how to prevent breaches as well as respond to them if they occur.’

Guernsey was one of 16 jurisdictions that took part and the sweep provided an opportunity to gather useful information and help guide future education and outreach. Globally, out of 1,145 entities that were approached, 258 provided meaningful responses. That is about 22%, compared with 13% in Guernsey.

Commenting on the local results, Mrs Martins added: ‘We are very grateful to the organisations that responded to the sweep. They trusted us with their information and took the time to reply, enabling us to form a view of the local landscape with respect to breach reporting and responses.

‘Looking ahead, we hope to be involved in other international initiatives as there is much to learn from cooperation with data protection authorities around the globe.

‘Hopefully these activities that aim to improve how we all engage and interact with personal data will be received more positively in the future both locally and worldwide.’