Letter from Education to parents explaining situation after 'pause and review' succeeds
PARENTS and carers have received a letter from Education outlining the uncertainty and possible path forward for the island's schools following the States decision to 'pause and review'.

Year 7 and 8 pupils currently at La Mare de Carteret School, who were due to move to Les Beaucamps in September 2022, will now stay where they are.
As will the Year 7 pupils at Les Varendes, who were expecting to move to St Sampson's.
The island's Year 6 students will stick to the original plan, initially at least, and in September this year they will move to the same secondary schools that they were previously advised of.
In his letter the president of Education, Sport & Culture, Deputy Matt Fallaize, is upfront about the situation.
'We know that many of you will have questions or be concerned about what this pause means for your children.
'It will not be possible to establish the same level of certainty again until the next States (after the General Election) have agreed the future structure of secondary education.
'However, we are writing to let you know what arrangements we can confirm now and when we will be able to provide further information.'

While there is a general sense of direction for the Year 6,7 and 8s, the position for the current Year 5 and younger students is less clear.
They were meant to be going straight into either the new de Saumarez or Victor Hugo colleges, but with the construction project halted there will not be enough space for them.
Deputy Fallaize explained that they are still working up a plan for these pupils.
'We are working to put in place secondary school admission plans for students currently in Year 5 and below.
'We will write to you again soon to let you know what these revised plans will be.
'But it is important to keep in mind that those admission arrangements may be temporary, depending on the next States’ decision on the long-term structure for secondary education.'
Education, Sport & Culture is drawing up a policy letter in reaction to the successful 'pause and review' requete.
The new proposals, which are likely to be debated next week, will attempt to limit the scope of the review, and seek 'clarity' about the depth in which each educational model needs to be examined.