Guernsey Press

‘Community has become emotionally closer’

PEOPLE have been asked to physically distance themselves from others, but one island rector has noticed that as a community we have become emotionally closer and more compassionate and connected than ever.

Pic by Adrian Miller 22-03-20 Forest Parish Church - Rev Claire Claxton & flowers at the gate . There was no Mothering Sunday service but there were flowers outside the church for people to take away. (27609550)

The traditional Mothering Sunday service at the Forest Church was cancelled because of the coronavirus, so instead the team placed flowers outside in buckets so that people could take a bunch for the mums.

Rector Claire Claxton said it was a small gesture to show that while events have been cancelled, the care and love has not.

‘Normally we’d have our Mothering Sunday service in church.

‘It would be quite lively, there’d be a puppet play and all sorts, but we always give a little posy of flowers to all the ladies that come,’ she said.

‘And then when we had the edict that church services were suspended with immediate effect it was so disappointing, so we thought at least we can still give the flowers away and they were donated by one of our church wardens.

‘I put the word around by email and phone to let people know that they can come past and pick up a few flowers.

‘I suppose it’s a way of showing people that not everything has stopped because it’s very easy to feel that nothing is happening but actually in the background it’s all going on.

‘I know that I’m not the only minister who will be keeping in touch, all the other clergy and ministers will also be keeping in touch in different ways with their flocks.’

Rector Claxton was heartened by all the acts of kindness she has witnessed recently to overcome the gloom.

She said that in the worst of times, the best of humanity still shines through.

‘There have been so many messages in the Press and on Facebook of people offering their help to others, which is brilliant.

‘So although we can’t get together in the normal ways people are still, hopefully, managing to stay connected.

‘The churches aren’t closed, our church is open everyday and people are welcome to come in and there’s some prayers that they can read or say, or just sit quietly and I think more people might find that a help in this time when they aren’t so busy socialising.

‘When you watch the news it can feel quite depressing and so we need to remind each other that we’re all in it together and we’re there for each other still.’