Guernsey Press

Security measures to allow cannabis growing planned for former vinery

ANOTHER former vinery could be used to grow cannabis.

Image by Digimap.

Plans have been submitted for security fencing and cameras at Le Neuf Courtil Vinery in Rue des Coutanchez.

They have been put forward by architects Dunnell Robertson Partnership on behalf of Nine Gardens Ltd.

Le Neuf Courtil Vinery. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 27582809)

Permission is sought for a 2.4m--high chain link fence around the site, as well as eight posts for the installation of 16 CCTV cameras.

Several other former vineries have applied for similar measures, including La Villiaze Nursery in St Andrew’s, Bellefleur Nursery in St Sampson’s and Douit Vinery in Castel, who were granted permission.

Orgeris Vinery in Vale and La Hougue Vinery in St Sampson’s are still awaiting a decision.

. Any comments on the application must be submitted to the Development & Planning Authority by Friday.