Bike shop owner opens ‘hedge veg’ parts service
AS MORE islanders get on their bikes and pedal around Guernsey’s newly-quiet roads, many have found themselves in need of parts.

Bicycle shops are not essential, so are shut.
It has been frustrating for Adventure Cycles’ co-owner Dan Thwaite. Customers have still been calling up the shop looking for bike accessories, but the shop is not allowed to sell goods.
So on Friday Mr Thwaite set up a hedge veg box outside his Rue Frairies home selling bicycle basics for £5 each. That has included goods such as inner tubes, brake pads, puncture repair kits and gear cables.
‘It’s been really popular,’ he said.
He said it seemed like they were selling more inner tubes on the hedge than they would in a normal day at the shop.
Because he cannot go to the shop – that would be a non-essential journey – he has organised for the goods to be delivered to his home. Another member of the business is also selling similar goods on their hedge, on L’Eree hill, near the West Show show ground.
The news was welcomed by Guernsey Bicycle Group chairman Sam Field. He said the group’s online discussion had increased slightly but noticeably in recent weeks as cyclists try to find parts. ‘[The hedge veg] was a really good idea,’ he said.
He felt there were more people out on the roads.
‘I think it is caused by a combination of things,’ he said.
‘There are more people working from home, so they are getting out to have their daily exercise. There are also less cars on the road and that is making a difference. People are feeling safer.’