Unseasonable festive cheer, but couple plead with islanders not to pay a visit
CHRISTMAS has come very early to one garden in St Sampson’s.

While islanders are only allowed to make essential trips, any key workers who have seen it will no doubt have smiled after spotting a large, illuminated Christmas tree off Camp Code Lane.
It was in the garden of Lisa and Ted Gilbert, who live in Camp Code Clos.
Mrs Gilbert said they got the idea after seeing a suggestion on Facebook that people put up their festive lights to help cheer others up. For the Gilberts, it was not too much work to make this happen.

‘We planted the tree when it was it was 5ft tall,’ she said.
‘That must have been 15 years ago. We put new lights on it in December and it was a bit of a job. So we left them up.’
So they decided to flick the switch to illuminate the tree for a few hours every night. The tree is not easy to see from the seafront, but can be spotted by people coming down Camp Code Lane and it was quickly seen by an islander, who posted a picture on social media.
Mrs Gilbert said it was wonderful to see so many positive responses. However she was keen to not encourage people to come and see the lights, as it was important that islanders heeded the advice to stay at home.
Instead she hoped the lights might help put a smile on the faces of essential workers, who have to go out for the good of the community.