Guernsey Press

Family’s rainbow made of household items

USING items found in the house, one family made a large rainbow floor-art in their garden to show hope and support for essential workers.

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Andrew and Jeanette Hearse with their giant rainbow made out of household items. (27953831)

Rainbows have been popping up all over the island as the simple but colourful design has become a symbol of hope that everyone can get involved with.

David Hearse, his wife Jeannette and son Andrew wanted to show their appreciation for essential workers and those on the frontline of the pandemic.

‘My wife is very artistic so we had quite a bit of colourful fabric in the house to start it off,’ he said.

‘We then kept adding to it with other things in the house of those particular colours and it ended up just getting bigger and bigger.’

30-year-old Andrew did a lot of the leg work, while Mrs Hearse used her creative eye to manage the project, while Mr Hearse was designated as photographer.

Andrew and Jeanette Hearse with their giant rainbow made out of household items. (27953866)

‘We’ve seen loads of rainbows over the island, people are really getting on board with it and my daughter challenged me to get involved too,’ he said.

Umbrellas, garden equipment, cycling equipment, crockery, folders and all sorts of colourful household items featured in the tapestry.

The planning, placing and picture taking all took about four hours.

‘Everything has now gone back into its usual place in the house, but it made us happy while we were doing it – it was like a great big art-attack project.

‘It was a nice way for us to say thanks to those keeping us safe during the pandemic.’