States support scheme extended to charities hit by virus outbreak
CHARITIES affected by the Covid-19 outbreak will now qualify for help under the States business support scheme.

At the request of the Guernsey Community Foundation, schemes introduced by the States to help businesses affected by the coronavirus outbreak have been extended so that some charities and social enterprises can apply for help.
The revision comes as charities continue to suffer the effects of the island-wide lockdown. As is the case with many other businesses, the suspension of normal operations has impacted on turnover, in some cases significantly.
Foundation chairman Wayne Bulpitt said talks between the foundation and Economic Development had been productive and led to a revision of the States’ policy.
Effective immediately, any charity that employs staff is eligible to apply for financial assistance under the Guernsey Coronavirus Payroll Co-Funding Scheme and social enterprises can apply for a small business grant.
‘This is a welcome development that will make a real difference to the island’s third sector,’ said Mr Bulpitt.
‘Many charitable organisations are run like businesses – something that the foundation has actively encouraged over the years – and rely on trading income in addition to traditional fundraising and grant-giving.
‘It’s only fair that charities with paid staff are eligible to apply for the same support as is being offered to commercial businesses.’
Charitable organisations which do not qualify for assistance, as well as those that find the assistance given is not enough to meet their needs, should talk to the foundation to see what help is on offer from other sources.
As well as operating its own grants programme, the foundation is in touch with other grant-giving bodies which may be able to assist.
Advice on how to apply for States assistance is available on
For more information on the foundation, go to