Guernsey Press

Bored at home? Library will deliver for free

BORED at home during the lockdown? The Guille-Alles Library is launching a home delivery service to help the community.

Adam Bayfield, head of marketing at the Guille-Alles Library, which is delivering books, audiobooks, DVDs and jigsaw puzzles to homes for free. (Picture by Adrian Miller, 28180258)

Books, audiobooks, DVDs and jigsaw puzzles will be delivered for free to people’s doorsteps.

Priority will be given to those who are self-isolating and those in most need, including the over-70s and people unable to access the library’s online collections.

Islanders who fall into these categories and would like a delivery should complete the online form at or call 720392 and leave a message on the answer machine.

If you are not already a member of the library, you can join online or over the phone.

The delivery service is contactless and will be carried out in strict accordance with public health requirements on hygiene and social distancing.

Chief librarian Laura Milligan recognised that lockdown has been a difficult time for many people, especially if they have run out of things to read or watch. ‘Supporting mental health and wellbeing in the community has always been one of the library’s main goals, and we hope this new service will provide a boost for those people who are feeling vulnerable and isolated at the moment.’

Although the library remains closed, there are lots of events continuing online, including reading groups, quizzes, reading challenges, rhyme times, and a virtual Lego club.

Parents can also find some of the best ‘stay at home’ ideas for children from around the web at, including story times, drawing clubs, and learning resources.

Since the start of lockdown the library has also seen a marked increase in usage of its digital collections, with a 28% rise in ebook and audiobook downloads, as well as sharp increases in checkouts of digital magazines and newspapers.

. For information about all library services, go to