Guernsey Press

‘Guernsey Together Bond’ gives people chance to pay towards economic recovery

PATRIOTIC Guernsey people with savings are being asked to contribute to the island’s economic recovery and earn themselves a good return.

Deputy Peter Roffey. (28008726)

Peter Roffey was successful with his amendment to the Covid-19 funding response policy letter.

It means that up to £50m. will be raised through bonds aimed at individual local investors.

The bonds will be similar to the war bonds which were issued during the First and Second World Wars.

Deputy Roffey clarified that he was not suggesting premium bonds with a prize draw.

He thought they could be called ‘Guernsey Together Bonds’ to capitalise on the strong esprit de corps in the island.

Deputy Roffey was confident the ‘your island needs you’ message would be well received.

‘There is no better way than to invite the people of Guernsey to invest in their own futures, to invest in their own community.

‘The case for inviting local people to invest in their own futures is greater than ever because we are at such a seminal moment in our history, because the community spirit has been so tangible in the island over the last few weeks, I don’t think there has ever been a better time.

‘We do have a natural self-reliance so if we

need money to invest in our futures, then that money coming from ourselves, or some of it anyway, has to be a good way of doing it.’

It is envisaged that a minimum investment of £5,000 will be required, although the details have not been finalised.

. The amendment was passed by 27 votes to 11, with one abstention.