Online toast as Bailiff retires
THE Lt-Governor proposed an online toast to the retiring Bailiff of Guernsey at 5pm yesterday.

In the broadcast from Government House, Vice Admiral Sir Ian Corder said Sir Richard Collas had been a hugely popular and well-respected Bailiff and he hoped as many people as possible would be raising a glass of some sort, whether alcohol, milk or any other soft drink, to thank him for his service and to wish him well in his retirement.
A more traditional event to do this at Government House had not been possible.
‘As with so many plans, the coronavirus pandemic has ruled out the more familiar retirement events that would have been organised for previous Bailiffs, which is a real disappointment,’ said Sir Ian.
‘Having said that, an online farewell brings with it the opportunity to do something more inclusive and wide ranging, with islanders and friends from around the world coming together to pay their own personal tribute to Sir Richard.
‘The ancient office of Bailiff is particular to the Channel Islands, so this toast is also an opportunity for islanders to celebrate their unique identity.’
People were also invited to post comments.
. The broadcast is available on and