Sisters long to join grandparents at Fermain
WHILE unable to visit, fond memories of Guernsey have made a lasting impression on two children from Suffolk who have created a collage of their time here for their grandparents.
Vivien and David Hawkins received a picture of their two granddaughters, Molly, 4, and Peggy, 3, holding a collage they made of them sunbathing in the glorious sunshine down at Fermain Bay.
Mrs Hawkins said they were really pleased to have received the picture.
‘My two little granddaughters Peggy and Molly, they live in Suffolk but love coming over to Guernsey to stay with us in St Martin’s,’ she said.
‘Of course, they cannot come during this pandemic, but keep saying that they want to come as soon as possible whenever we speak to them.
‘So they made this lovely collage of Fermain Bay from stuff around the house.’
She added they had captured a real moment perfectly.
‘Fermain is one of our favourite beaches,’ she said.
‘The tower is a loo roll and corks make the sea wall.
‘You can see the lane coming down the hill, the beach cafe.
‘I am sunbathing on the left and my husband is just about to have his toe nipped by a crab lower right.’
In a sentiment echoed by most families across the island, she said she hoped to see them soon.
‘I know many families are separated at the moment and I am sure longing to be able to get together, as we are,’ she said.
‘Let’s hope it will not be too long.’