Virtual rainbow becomes real at hospital
A GIANT rainbow has been painted near the Vauquiedor entrance of the Princess Elizabeth Hospital after positive feedback from a digitally-altered image.

Health & Social Care employee Georgie Hayes contacted Guernsey Revival to super-impose a rainbow onto the hospital’s front.
That became a reality when Dowding Signs completed the project for free as a gift to HSC.
‘The rainbow image has been used globally to unite communities as we fight the Covid-19 pandemic,’ said HSC culture arts & health manager Lottie Barnes.
‘Having this image on the most well-known building in the HSC estate further reminds us of the hard work and dedication of all staff working in health and care in the Bailiwick.’
Staff had seen the image online and felt it a shame it was not there in reality.
‘Art in the heath and care environment is extremely important for the wellbeing of service users and staff. At HSC our artwork is based around the concept of bringing the outside in. This rainbow fits perfectly with this brief.’
Scaffolding went up and painting commenced Tuesday.
By Friday afternoon it was complete.
‘I would like to thank Georgie for her initial donation which kicked off this project, and to Dowding Signs who have donated their time and resources free of charge,’ said Ms Barnes.
‘This is yet another wonderful example of Guernsey Together.’
Dave Dowding, of Dowding Signs, said ‘I’m chuffed to bits, I really love it. Everybody who has walked past has smiled and that’s what it’s all for.’
Anthony Renouf worked with Mr Dowding to paint the rainbow.
‘It’s not something that would be done in normal times, but the rainbow has become such a symbol of the whole island coming together. You see them everywhere, but this is just slightly larger.’