Guernsey Press

Islanders ready to shop, but many UK chains still shut

GUERNSEY’S branch of Monsoon looks to have become the latest casualty of lockdown.

The Monsoon shop in the High Street has been stripped of its stock. Its parent company, Monsoon Accessorize, has warned landlords that stores will close permanently if rent is not waived. Accessorize still has stock, but was not open on Saturday. (Pictures by Sophie Rabey, 28340408)

The High Street branch has been cleared of all goods.

It follows news that Monsoon Accessorize has reportedly warned landlords that they have a week to offer up rent waivers or it will permanently close down stores.

The retailer is on the brink of going into administration, which would put thousands of jobs at risk.

Nearby Accessorize - which is part of the same company - is still stocked with goods, but, like a number of UK businesses, it has remained closed.

Monsoon has not responded to a query from the Guernsey Press about the local branch’s future.

The queue outside Schuh. (28340410)

St Peter Port was thriving with people over the weekend, with queues outside many shops on Saturday. Boots, Card Factory, Sports Direct and Schuh all had customers waiting outside, due to social distancing rules.

However, a large number of UK chain shops still remain closed, with no indication of when they could reopen. That includes Next, Clinton’s Cards, Millets, Paperchase, Edinburgh Woollen Mill, Claire’s, Trespass and Fat Face.

New Look is set to reopen today and Swarovski has a poster up stating it will open soon.

A sign in Clintons Cards directs customers to its website. (28340412)

However recent months has seen a number of shops left empty. In the Arcade H Samuel and Balloonees have both shut their shops.

Islanders were pleased to see shops open and did not mind waiting.

Friends Charlotte Barker and Chelsie Marquis were on one of their first shopping trips out since shops reopened.

‘I’m pleased to see it busy and that everyone is supporting local businesses,’ Ms Marquis said.

‘It would be awful to see businesses close, as people would lose their jobs.’

Chelsie Marquis, 21, and Charloote Barker, 25, were happy to see shops reopen.(28340414)

With schools back today, Marc Beavan was out shopping for school items with his children Jack, 11, Sammy, eight, and Tilly, five.

‘It is good to be able to potter around Town,’ he said. However he did note the challenges of having to queue with a young family.

The busyness was not welcomed by all, however. One shopper commented that people were not keeping to social distancing guidelines and she had been bumped into several times.