Two of five bring bank sites shut until review
ONLY three of the five bring bank sites will be reinstated, while Guernsey Waste decides what to do about the rest.

Many were removed, while others were cordoned off during lockdown.
Despite earlier relaxations of the lockdown rules, it is only on Monday, after the start of phase five, that any will reopen.
Guernsey Waste has confirmed that bring banks at Waitrose Rohais, Salerie Corner and the Longfrie Inn will reopen then.
Those at L’Eree and Vazon will stay shut. The Manor Stores site was closed in early March after the site owner asked for the bins to be removed.
Recycling officer Tina Norman-Ross said households had other options for their recycling.
‘We know that the vast majority of local households prefer to use kerbside collections, and prior to the sites being closed due to Covid-19 bring banks only accounted for around 10% of the material that we collected,’ she said.
‘The lockdown has required those households to switch to kerbside and we hope that many who have made this switch continue to do so.
‘It was always our intention to review the bring bank system in light of the introduction of kerbside collections, which effectively brings a site to your door.
‘That review is under way, and includes examining how we regulate and monitor sites, and which ones should remain, based on their facilities, popularity, location and environmental impact.’
The three sites that are reopening are in addition to the household waste and recycling centre at Bulwer Avenue, which takes all bring bank materials and is open six days a week.
‘We have therefore decided not to reinstate other sites while the review is under way,’ Mrs Norman-Ross said.
The charity clothes and textiles banks, which are managed by a private contractor, are also set to reopen from Monday.