Alderney Week 2020 is back on
WITH lockdown over, no more social distancing or crowd gathering restrictions, Alderney Week 2020 is going ahead.

The decision was made this week by Alderney Week organiser Ronnie Cairnduff and his Alderney Week team to stage the event for the good folk of Alderney, Guernsey, Sark and Herm. In May organisers thought it would not be possible so made the tough decision to cancel it.
'We look forward to welcoming our other fellow Channel Islanders along with anybody outside the Bailiwick who is able to come to Alderney whilst adhering to the current travel and quarantine restrictions,' Mr Cairnduff said.
Although it has been nearly six year since he retired from organising Alderney Week, Mr Cairnduff feels very strongly that the show must go on and said a great event and tradition such as Alderney Week simply must not be allowed to disappear.
This year’s theme is The Twenties.
'Sadly, many of the performers – not least Alderney Week's great friends the Alderney Blowers and Circus Pazaz - are unable to come this year and are hugely disappointed as are so many other AW friends from Jersey, the UK and the Continent who flock to Alderney for the Channel Islands’ biggest annual event,' he said

'And with only weeks to go, we can’t offer you the usual bumper programme of events, but our Mini Alderney Week will be great.'
The programme will include most of the old favourites along with some new ideas and all events will be free.
Alderney Week 2020 will start on Cavalcade Day, Monday 3 August, and everybody is encouraged to take part in the Cavalcade Parade by decorating bikes, prams, motorbikes, cars and even floats.
The theme lends itself to all sorts of ideas - from the Roaring 1920s to the space age 2020s and all things before, beyond and in-between.
'Let’s make this a happy and colourful event for everybody and we’ll make sure there’s plenty of entertainment for you once you reach the Butes,' Mr Cairnduff said.

'Sadly, this is the first year - other than back in 1956 - that we do not have a Miss Alderney as the Miss Alderney 2020 disco and election had to be cancelled due to Covid-19.'
Instead, the Alderney Week team is inviting all former Miss Alderneys who are on the island during the week to join the big parade and add a touch of glamour to the event.
The fun-for-all week will close on Saturday 8 August with the traditional torchlight procession, bonfire and fireworks finale and musical entertainment.
Organisers have issued an urgent appeal for volunteers to help pull the event off and serve behind the bar.
The list of planned events will be posted on the Alderney Week Facebook page and website.
Mr Cainduff said: 'The only way we can pull it off is by breaking each event down to a module to be run by individuals or groups with all equipment supplied by the AW team.
'So, if you've run an event previously or would like to run one this year, please contact Ronnie or Ilona either by email or mobile. 'Needless to say, all volunteers who can help us throughout the week will be welcome with open arms.'
Those wanting to help should email or call/text Ronnie on 07781 441907 or Ilona 07781 101957.