Extra Southampton rotation during test period
AURIGNY will put on more Southampton flights as the new testing scheme for arrivals is rolled out.

It welcomed the States’ announcement of the pilot travel scheme to reduce the self-isolation period to seven days, provided customers test negative for Covid-19.
It reminded customers who are planning onward journeys to Alderney or Sark that a 14-day quarantine will remain in place for those jurisdictions.
Since the initial ban on all but essential travel, and the subsequent mandatory 14-day self-isolation, travel to and from the island has fallen to a very low level.
Aurigny currently operates only lifeline services to Southampton and Alderney.
‘Even though the ban on only essential travel has been lifted, the 14-day self-isolation period is a real barrier to travel,’ said chief executive Mark Darby.
‘We are really encouraged by this move to trial a different approach and potentially reduce the self-isolation period in the longer term.
‘It will be a good opportunity to see what underlying demand there is for travel both to and off the island and is a positive step towards phase 6.
‘We are keen to get back to a regular service as and when the time is right and the evidence supports such a move.’
In addition to the current daily lunchtime service to and from Southampton, an extra return flight will be available departing from Guernsey at 4.15pm and returning from Southampton at 5.30pm.
This additional flight will operate on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday during the week commencing 6 July and has been co-ordinated with the States and Condor to ensure the daily cap on arrivals is adhered to.
Anyone flying will be required to wear a mask.
Aurigny has provided some of its staff to assist the team at Guernsey Border Agency in processing airport arrivals.
Alderney flight boost to help staycations
AURIGNY is putting on extra flights to Alderney on Fridays and Sundays to boost the staycation market.
It is hoped those will encourage people to take a long weekend break.
The additional flights are also in response to extra demand for travel.
They start this week.
The full Alderney schedule is:
Monday to Thursday: Guernsey to Alderney at 11.30am and 5.45pm. Alderney to Guernsey at 12.15 and 6.30pm.
Friday: Guernsey to Alderney at 11.30am, 2.40pm and 5.45pm. Alderney to Guernsey at 12.15pm, 3.25pm and 6.30pm.
Sunday: Guernsey to Alderney at 4.15pm and 5.45pm. Alderney to Guernsey at 5pm and 6.40pm.
There are no Saturday flights.