Guernsey Press

Fundraising mug immortalises Public Health director’s quote

A FAMOUS quote from director of Public Health Dr Nicola Brink has been immortalised on a mug, sales of which will help the Social Investment Fund.

The Guernsey Isolation Support Group’s Heidi Billien with the mugs which capture a famous phrase used by director of Public Health Dr Nicola Brink. (Picture by Adrian Miller, 28480968)

‘Evidence ... you all know I like evidence’ is the quote on the mugs and their production has been given the seal of approval by Dr Brink.

They are the idea of the Guernsey Isolation Support group, which helped many islanders through the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

They have been produced in conjunction with Island Mugs, who provided their design and printing services.

Heidi Billien, one of the group’s administrators, said it had been a good way to commemorate what the island had been through.

‘It’s one way to keep the memory alive of what happened and celebrate what got us through,’ she said.

Director of Public Health Dr Nicola Brink. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 28483690)

‘Dr Brink really was the person everyone looked to for reassurance and to make sure that we, as an island, were doing the right thing.

‘Then there were rainbows, which kept people’s spirits up.

‘We wanted all this on a mug to remember it, I think it’s a nice thing to do.’

She added with shops now up and running properly and offering their own delivery services to customers, the group had looked at new ways to help islanders.

‘At first, when it all started, we were one of the only points of call that people could turn to,’ she said.

‘Now that’s changed and we’re no longer in lockdown, we wanted to be able to continue that in some way even though now we’re not needed as much.’