Guernsey Press

Stray snake shocks dog walkers at Halfway

TO THEIR surprise, a family out walking their dog spotted a stray hognose snake near the filter at the Halfway.

A stray hognose snake was spotted near the filter at the Halfway and is now in the GSPCA's care. Picture supplied by the GSPCA. (28501761)

Earlier today [Thursday 23 July], a couple and their son were out walking their dog when they spotted the snake.

Now safe at the GSPCA, the non-indigenous reptile is being housed in one of the charity's vivariums at the shelter.

Anyone who has lost a young hognose snake is asked to contact the animal shelter on 257261.

GSPCA staff member Seb Goman said the family was really shocked to find the snake.

'We do see quite a few stray reptiles each year,' he told them.

The snake is only about 35cm long but seems fit and well.

GSPCA manager Steve Byrne said coincidently it was World Snake Day this time last week and the charity often sees snakes come into its care.

A stray hognose snake was spotted near the filter at the Halfway and is now in the GSPCA's care. Picture supplied by the GSPCA. (28501764)

'We have called this little guy Halfway and he is now doing his 21 stray days in line with the Guernsey Animal Welfare Ordinance 2012,' he said.

All owners coming to claim stray animals from the shelter are asked to bring proof of ownership, such as photos of their pets.

'Currently the only reptiles in need of a home at the GSPCA are musk turtles but we have lots of other animals in need which can be seen on our website,' Mr Byrne said.

'Some people may remember that earlier this year we had a lizard that was found as a stray all the way from India called Mr Patel and we are pleased to say he is doing very well in his new Guernsey home which he found during lockdown.'

  • The GSPCA continues its efforts to raise funds to run the charity's shelter. More information can be found at