Guernsey Press

Lockdown arrangements to stay for baby clinics

BABY clinics will be held at Lukis House after community drop-ins were ended.

Lukis House. (28502853)

Covid-19 meant that health visitors had to cancel the traditional well baby clinics, and offered individual appointments to either have babies weighed or discuss any concerns parents may have had.

‘Covid-19 forced us to change how we work and, on reflection, these changes have made our services better,’ said service manager child health Debbie Pittman.

‘Changing the way we offer well baby checks has given staff more time to focus on the parent and child, and feedback from both service users and health visiting staff has been positive.

‘As a result the health visitors intend to continue with this way of working and hold clinics at Lukis House. This means that community clinics will no longer be held.

‘While we appreciate that this is a change of practice, we anticipate that the additional flexibility and privacy will be welcomed.’

A helpline, which also started in lockdown, will continue from Monday to Friday, 9am to noon, and any parent or carer who has a query can ring 707368.

Clinic appointments can be booked for parents or carers to have their baby’s weight checked at the recommended time for developmental assessments or for help and advice on issues such as feeding, sleeping, behaviour and parental mental health.

Parents or carers can ring Lukis House on 725241 after the helpline closes to book an appointment, or ask a health visitor to contact them.