Fine for man who popped to the pub just hours after arriving from the UK
AFTER returning from Southampton for medical treatment, Terence Jones went for a drink at the Britannia Public House, rather than immediately self-isolating.

He was fined £3,000 for breaching the self-isolation law, which he admitted in the Magistrate's Court.
The court heard how Jones, 56, of Top Flat, 8 Allez Street, St Peter Port, had arrived back in Guernsey from Southampton on 1 July at about 3pm, after being in the UK for medical treatment.
He confirmed that he understood the self-isolation rules when spoken to by customs staff and would abide by them.
But at 5pm the customs officer, who had dealt with him at the airport, saw him smoking a cigarette outside the Britannia. The officer went into the pub and found Jones inside having his second pint of beer.
In interview Jones said he had gone to the pub to get his flat key, but then had stopped for a drink. He had planned to pop to the shop before going home.
He has no relevant previous convictions.
Defence advocate David Thompson said his client accepted he should have made alternative arrangements to get the key. He added that his client was in urgent need of medical care and was currently unable to work.
Judge Gary Perry said he appreciated that the defendant was ill and getting treatment. But he also highlighted that the self-isolation rules were there in particular to protection the vulnerable, like Jones, so he should have appreciated the rules importance.
He went on to describe the breach as flagrant.
'It beggars belief,' he said.
Jones was fined £3,000. If he failed to pay, he faced 150 days in prison. However, Judge Perry said based on Jones specific circumstances, he was taking an exceptional course and giving the defendant time to pay. It was agreed he would pay £60 a week, which would be deducted from his benefit payment.
Previous self-isolation breaches have been ordered to pay fines before they were released from custody.