More than 31,000 sign up for electoral roll
MORE voters have signed up for the electoral roll for Guernsey's first island-wide election than registered for the last two.

Beating the 2016 figure by 981, this year 31,301 islanders have decided to use their right to vote.
Despite concerns the election could not go ahead the 2020 electoral roll closed at midnight on Friday.
Registrar-General of Electors Colette Falla said: 'We’re thrilled at the number of people who have signed up to vote; it’s been a great success, and there is still a lot of work to be done to prepare for Guernsey’s first island-wide election but we are through the first checkpoint.
Election teams have used multiple channels to increase public voting interest and target younger generations.
Methods included radio, television, door drops, bus adverts, social media and other traditional methods.
Novel methods included creating an Instagram profile, TikTok videos, and a 'Brinky' the teddy bear mock election.
'We’re already looking ahead to the next phase in our election awareness campaign to encourage voters to use their vote by returning their completed postal vote or by turning up to cast their vote at either the parish polling stations or at one of the super-polling stations,' Ms Falla said.
Anybody registered can switch to a postal vote until Friday 25 September.
Voters are encouraged to switch for convenience in allowing time to consider candidates and fill ballot papers at their leisure.
At the last election there were 30,320 registered voters, 29,745 in 2012 and 33,253 in 2008.
A 'Meet the Candidate' event will be held at Beau Sejour Leisure Centre on 20 September so voters can speak to candidates.
Printed booklets containing manifestos will be distributed by post.
Advance polling opens on Saturday 3, Sunday 4 and Tuesday 6 October.
Election day is on Wednesday 7 October, with votes counted on 8 October.