Sure fined £80k for directory data breach
SURE has been fined £80,000 for breaching data protection law with last year’s phone book.

It is the first fine of its kind.
The 2019/2020 publication sparked complaints from islanders when it was released last year for inaccuracies and for including ex-directory information. This resulted in an investigation by the Office of the Data Protection Authority.
Following an inquiry into the collation and publication of the book, it was found that there had been a lack of transparency as to how personal data was to be processed and it was published with personal data inaccuracies and, in some cases, was contrary to subscribers’ wishes.
ODPA chairman Richard Thomas said this was the first fine that the Office of the Data Protection Authority had imposed under the new law.
‘It was unanimously agreed by all members of the authority,’ he said.
‘Although this fine is substantially lower than the maximum which the law permits, we hope it will bring home the importance of taking great care with people’s personal information.’
The Bailiwick’s data protection commissioner, Emma Martins, said that the data protection law provided organisations with a range of accountability tools to ensure appropriate technical and organisational measures are in place, including being prepared to deal swiftly and effectively with any breach.
‘In taking this action, the authority has responded appropriately and proportionately to the evidenced compliance failures,’ she said.
‘We welcome the positive steps Sure have taken since this incident to ensure better data governance of the personal data in their care.’
The £80,000 fine will be paid to the States of Guernsey general revenue account.