Guernsey Press

Isle of Man confirms positive coronavirus case

The Isle of Man has recorded its first positive case of coronavirus in 108 days.

Isle of man flag (28660699)

It is the only place in the world with an agreed air-bridge to Guernsey, meaning anyone travelling between the jurisdictions does not need to have a Covid-19 test or self-isolate.

Guernsey Chief Minister Gavin St Pier said: ‘Maintaining zero cases was never a prerequisite of the air bridge. It would appear that the Isle of Man’s quarantine and testing regime has worked to identify and contain this case. There does not appear to be any evidence of community transmission. On that basis, there is no reason there should be any impact on the air bridge at this point... we will of course continue to monitor the position.’

Isle of Man’s chief minister Howard Quayle announced the news at a hastily-convened press conference yesterday morning.

The case was identified on Saturday evening and was not an infection in the community.

The infected individual had travelled to the Isle of Man on a flight on which all the passengers were wearing face masks.

The contact tracing team has taken action and no high risk contacts have been identified.