Grow Ltd submits revised application for site upgrade
PLANS to replace the glasshouses and update the facilities at Grow Ltd have been submitted to planners for a second time.

Grow Ltd, a charity which provides a safe and secure working environment for people with learning and other disabilities, has submitted a revised application for its St Sampson’s site.
An application was submitted last November, but withdrawn to draw together more information.
The new one includes justification for having the site at Route des Quartiers, which is away from other local centres.
The covering letter notes that the plans are enhancing the existing facilities, which are allowed under a recently-granted certificate of lawful use.
The letter also notes that the project would be specific for the needs of disabled islanders who would be supported in an occupational workshop environment, with the aim of providing horticultural, wood and metalwork, hospitality and retail training.
Selling plants and handmade items would be a secondary activity aimed at supporting the charity.
‘In consequence, we believe the proposals cannot undermine the vitality of the local centres as it is delivering a unique facility for training disabled islanders,’ Emma Carter, of Grey Bear Chartered Architect, wrote.
‘There is no other facility within local or main centres that provides for this.
‘It is envisaged that the public footfall would still, as now, be limited and it is strongly contended that these proposals do not and could not form a formal retail establishment.’
These points aim to address the rules in the Island Development Plan, which aims for businesses to be focused in St Peter Port, the Bridge or local centres such as L’Islet or St Martin’s. The Grow site is not in one of these areas.
The proposals would allow the public to continue to access the site, as they do currently.
There would be a cafeteria, with up to 24 indoor covers, to help with training.
It is hoped the plans will help consolidate varied indoor uses across the site into one building, which would help the charity cope better with growing demand.
. The plans can be viewed at