Election recount update
RE-COUNTING all 24,647 ballots from this year's election began at around 11am this morning.

Significant changes are not expected from the re-count, so it is unlikely all of the results will be announced on stage as was done on Thursday.
Jurat Stephen Jones has been appointed by the Bailiff to oversee today's efforts.
'It is looking highly likely that the result will be declared tomorrow,' said Jurat Jones.
Most volunteers working this weekend were involved on Thursday, and so have experience in the transposition, adjudication and scanning processes.
This time if the re-count is not complete by 6pm tonight then it will be postponed to recommence at 9am on Sunday so that volunteers are well-rested, which also decreases the likeliness of human error.
'Most of these fantastic volunteers worked a very long day on Thursday so I don't believe it helpful to ask them to do the same today. I think they would be better to have a good night's sleep and come back fresh tomorrow morning. As such I've said we will stop at about 6pm today. If that situation changes we will of course let everyone know.'
All ballots which were transposed on Thursday are being transposed again from the originals to ensure accuracy.
Transposition is done in pairs, with volunteers verifying the numbers of ballot sheets from each ballot box.
Jurat adjudicators check if the markings are not clear and the transposed ballots to determine the voter's true intentions.
Not having to open all the envelopes is another difference to Thursday, and so the process is expected to not take as long.
However the election team have been advised that a second scan means that scanner jams are more likely.
It is hoped that tomorrow will involve just scanning, with everything else completed today.
A final result is expected in the daytime on Sunday.