Guernsey Press

Thousands take the plunge for charity swim at Cobo

SPECTATORS and swimmers swarmed onto Cobo in their thousands for the annual Boxing Day Swim.

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Boxing Day Swim gets under way at Cobo Bay. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 29059201)

Certificates were given to all who took part to raise money for Cheshire Homes, themed this year by 'rainbows' chosen by home residents.

Event organiser Phil Trouteaud correctly predicted that the beach and road would be rammed from one end to the other by 10.30am.

'We are expecting a bumper crowd,' he said.

'As with other events this year, we've seen they have got bigger and better because everyone is here on island.'

Each year £1.1m. is needed to keep Cheshire Home running through events and fundraisers.

'It has been a difficult year this year. Events tend to raise a couple of thousand but they make a significant difference. Any amount would be welcome after having many of our fundraisers cancelled this year.'

Around £5,000 was raised last year and £6,500 the year before.

'We're trying to break last year's record. We are very lucky to be one of the only places in the world to hold something like this'

Credit Suisse sponsored swimming caps, with John Randall as compere and Director of Public Health Dr Nicola Brink starting things off.

'We asked her to say ready steady go, and it was very nice of her to say yes.'

Dr Brink said she is always humbled to be asked to attend such events.

'I think this is a lovely Guernsey Together event. Because we worked so hard, we can be here, which is a testament to the great community response we had.'

There was a fantastic feeling of goodwill and what the island has achieved through a team effort is incredible, she said.

Jimmy Lesbirel said he had done the Boxing Day Dip for 10 years now. 'It is brilliant for the mental health side of it,' he said.

'After getting in there you just feel good about yourself.'

Eight-year-old Jack Watson is doing 12BaysIn12Days, and said: 'We did it last year, and went to the Polar Bear Dip yesterday.'

Lunchtimes lately have been filled with quick dips.

'I've done about six or seven bays. My favourite part about swimming in winter is splashing my dad, then he splashes me back and we have to get in.'

Mollie Watson, 12, said: 'I just love going off the diving board at the bathing pools. It's freezing at the Boxing Day Dip and everybody screams and runs in. If everybody else is screaming then you have to as well.'

Brogan Queripel celebrated her 11th birthday on Boxing Day, and had done the swim every year since she was three.

Presley Connolly, 10 said: 'It's a good challenge if you want to do something brave. And it's not actually as cold as you think it is.'

Chez Merrien and Charlotte Scherders brought their goat, Ben, wearing a Santa hat.

'It's a custom built hat we made about two years ago. He won't get in the sea though, he's a right sissy.

Boxing Day Swim at Cobo Bay.. (29059199)