Education questions ‘equity’ of three-school model with sixth form
EDUCATION has played down the chance of moving to a three-school secondary model with a co-located sixth form at one of the sites.

It was responding to Deputy Peter Roffey, a former committee member, who asked a series of written questions about the review being carried out, including what was happening with the independent overseer, Advocate Peter Harwood, who was appointed during his time.
‘The committee has already confirmed that it intends to broaden the review that it now owns, benchmarking models against the current four-school model as it considers this to be a more realistic comparator against which to make the case for change,’ said ESC president Deputy Andrea Dudley-Owen.
‘The committee will also continue to develop costings for a model of three 11-16 schools and a co-located sixth form as introduced into the review by the previous committee after the March 2020 resolutions; however, this is primarily for comparison purposes as the committee has questions around the equity of such a model.
‘For the avoidance of doubt, the committee has not introduced any further models, but is re-working models having reviewed cost drivers given the current economic climate.’
Advocate Harwood continues to hold the independent overseer position.
‘He has not played such an active role since the election because the committee has largely focused on spending time not only understanding the extensive work carried out before we were elected, but also considering what direction we want to take, as we rightfully need to take ownership of it.
‘This is work which Advocate Harwood has already been involved with through his oversight role.
‘We recognise much has changed since Advocate Harwood kindly agreed to take on the role of independent overseer as appointed by the previous committee, so we are discussing with him our plans for the final stages of the review.
‘As the committee understands it, the independent overseer role was considered essential by the previous committee to help reassure the community of its objectivity after work on its preferred two-school model was paused. Things have changed since then, so it is entirely appropriate that we take time to consider and discuss all elements of the review with Advocate Harwood before coming to an agreement on the best way forward.’
The Guernsey Press asked questions about Advocate Harwood’s role on 29 December.
Education provided a response on 13 January, copying what was said in its answers to Deputy Roffey.