States members’ pay to be frozen for 2021
STATES members’ pay will be frozen in 2021.

Last term deputies rejected the chance to stop pay rises for this administration, something recommended by an independent panel, and instead it was due to increase in May by the annual change in median earnings.
Policy & Resources has decided it will not apply the increase this year.
Deputies can currently claim £40,521 annually, the presidents of most committees and members of P&R £54,744 and the P&R president £71,248.
‘Many in our community are facing huge financial pressure and uncertainty, very few States’ employees will see any increase this year and we all need to do what we can to preserve our limited public finances,’ said P&R president Peter Ferbrache.
The committee has decided to freeze much of public sector pay, although about 709 full-time equivalent PSEs will receive a 2.4% increase and 1,059 FTEs in the Agenda for Change group will get 5%.
‘In these extraordinary times, I’m sure all my political colleagues will be in full agreement that deputies’ pay should not be increased this year,’ said Deputy Ferbrache.
About £2m. a year is put aside to pay States members. There was a one-off £40,000 in the 2020 Budget to provide computer equipment and software to those elected in October.
P&R said it believes it is not appropriate to increase pay for political members at a time when public finances are under enormous pressure and many employees in the public and private sectors will see their salary frozen.
Guernsey was expected to record a £59m. deficit last year and £23m. this year.
The pay decision also applies to non-States members.
Median earnings as at 30 June, the last figure published, were £34,479 which, compared with a year earlier, was 2.5% higher in nominal terms and 0.7% higher in real terms. Comment Page 14