Elizabeth College’s new learning spaces given planning go-ahead
NEW teaching facilities for Elizabeth College could be ready for use by the start of the 2022 academic year after planning permission was granted for the works at Perrot Court.
The school purchased Perrot Court in Upland Road for £4.5m. towards the end of last year, with hopes to develop the area to give a 40% increase in floor space.
Now that the planning application has been approved, it is hoped that a building contractor will be engaged in March after a tender process.
The conversion of the site is expected to take between a year and 18 months.
The initial phase of works will include new classrooms to improve teaching facilities for all students, in particular new social sciences faculty classrooms.
There will be a student hub with extensive library and study spaces in an updated and well-equipped resource centre, with student attainment and achievement support, including access to careers guidance and learning enrichment.
An enlarged sixth form centre, including dedicated study and social areas, will accommodate growing numbers of students. A multi-functional drama studio and flexible studio space will also provide an exams suite, while there will be a new reception area including a waiting area and meeting rooms for confidential discussions.
The historic main building and site was originally intended for only 150 students.
One of the first very visible improvements has been pedestrianising the area in front of the main building, to create more space for recreation for students now that the underground parking of Perrot Court can be used.
‘This [front] area will soon be much enhanced by the arrival of some large planters and oversized outdoor games equipment and the refurbished gates will be returned soon.’
Planters are due to arrive soon and the new benches and ‘learning garden’ have been subject to planning approval because the college is a protected building.
The most noticeable external alteration will be a wide, new bridge link to create a seamless connection between the main campus and Perrot Court. The new path, between the sports hall and pool, will be accessible at ground level between the two sites.
The outdoor landscaping in front of and to the side of the main building has been designed to include pockets of communal seating and tables to create sociable areas for outdoor working and dining.
The college hard court will still be available for parking during school events such as parents' evenings.
Elizabeth College principal Jenny Palmer said: ‘It is great to see a car-free space in front of the main building at Elizabeth College. This area now offers greater recreational space for our students and will be resurfaced and aesthetically improved in stages over the next two years.’