Waste sites close due to lockdown
ALL public waste and recycling sites are closed until further notice, but kerbside collections are continuing as normal.

Islanders should continue to put out waste and recycling on their normal collection night, unless someone in the household has tested positive for Covid-19 or has Covid-19 symptoms, or is awaiting a test or test results.
Anyone who tests positive for Covid-19 will be given advice by Public Health on what to do with their waste.
The Household Waste & Recycling Centre at Longue Hougue, the Chouet green waste site and the public bring bank sites at Waitrose Rohais, Salerie Corner and Longfrie Inn will all remain shut during lockdown. Islanders should also not use any of the clothing banks around the island.
The Waste Transfer Station will be open for parish collection contractors and commercial companies collecting from essential businesses.
The Longue Hougue Land Reclamation site and Mont Cuet will be closed to commercial operators, except by arrangement with Guernsey Waste.
Guernsey Waste staff will be responding to enquiries via phone 231234 or email to recycle@gov.gg during normal office hours (8.45am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday) if anyone requires a food waste caddy or glass bag or has any other waste or recycling issues.
Commercial collections of waste and recycling can continue from any businesses providing services classed by the States of Guernsey as essential. Any collections being undertaken must be done in accordance with the guidelines for the operation of essential workers/businesses, which will be available on gov.gg in due course.
Any other collections or operations that fall outside of this, for example, delivery or collection of one tonne bags to and from households must cease until further notice.