‘Use common sense when you exercise’
ISLANDERS are being asked to use common sense when it comes to doing their two hours of exercise.

CCA advisor Heidi Soulsby said they were trying to keep things simple.
‘Use your two hours to do what helps keep you fit and well, but it should be activities you do only on your own or with a member of your household,’ she said.
‘The only exception to this is that you can exercise with one person from outside your household, it’s just you and just that one other person. And you both must socially distance.’
She gave the example that cyclists should not be chatting to one another as they cycle down the road, unless they are from the same household.
With a household with just one adult and some children, that adult can also do socially distanced exercises with an adult from another household. They can also change which person they exercise with, but they must socially distance.
Deputy Soulsby said they were mindful of the looking after people’s mental health.
La Vallette Bathing Pools have been closed during lockdown. Deputy Soulsby said this was unfortunate, but necessary, as they are so popular.
‘There were concerns last time about the number of people gathering there,’ she said.
People are allowed to drive to a location to do their exercise. But Deputy Soulsby again said people should use common sense.
‘We don’t want people just driving around the island,’ she said. ‘If it’s about exercise, then it’s about getting out and doing some exercise.’
She said it was important people were not jamming up car parks and congregating. So if people drove somewhere and saw the car park was busy, she advised them to go somewhere else.
‘It’s all about keeping your distance,’ she said.