Schools likely to stay closed next week as cases linked
SCHOOLS are likely to remain closed to everybody next week now that 11 education settings are associated with positive Covid-19 cases.

Of the 107 cases which were confirmed, 39 were linked to education providers with 24 pupils and 15 staff testing positive.
Most cases were within the age demographics of children, parents and teachers, however, at the time the data was 18 hours out of date.
After yesterday afternoon’s briefing the Civil Contingencies Authority were due to discuss when schools, colleges and early year’s providers could reopen for vulnerable students and the children of essential workers.
‘I have to say, it is much more likely than not that those education establishments will be closed again next week,’ said Deputy Peter Ferbrache, CCA chair.
Reasons given were due to outbreaks in various education establishments, that people are already aware of.

In keeping schools closed the risk of transmission between children, teachers, their families and essential workers is minimised.
‘We want to make sure that when children go back to school they go back to a safe environment.’
Difficulties which arise as a result were appreciated, with islanders asked to please bear with the CCA as they ‘get everything back to normal as soon as it is practical,’ Deputy Ferbrache said.

Reducing contact and keeping distance from other households in the community was said to be the single best way to ensure lockdown is as effective as possible, and ends as quickly as possible.
Each educational setting will have a risk assessment completed to advise on safely moving forward, the Director of Public Health Nicola Brink said.
‘Specific advice is being given to each educational setting,’ Dr Brink said.
As the first cases of this wave were identified, cohort testing began.
‘That was to identify whether we had a problem within the education setting, or whether these were individual sporadic cases.’
Those tests showed that cases were spread across numerous settings.

Resultantly, the facility or associated group within that facility were immediately asked to self-isolate.
If areas of particular concern are identified, the schools will be notified with recommendations for their specific situation.
Cohort testing within education providers has ceased to prioritise testing symptomatic people.
‘We need to focus our testing capacity on symptomatics and indeed keeping critical infrastructure running,’ Dr Brink said.
Bubbles will not be introduced at this time to support essential workers, to minimise transition and avoid the risk of infection to grandparents who are more susceptible to Covid morbidity, Dr Brink said.
States of Guernsey chief executive Paul Whitfield confirmed that schools were ready to reopen for vulnerable children and children of essential workers as soon as testing capacity allows, to meet the requirements of children and to support essential workers.
Testing children does not work in the same way as testing adults, Mr Whitfield said, so blanket testing all 310 primary school aged children who are vulnerable or whose parents are essential workers could pose additional risks.
Education materials were sent out on Wednesday for distance learning.
10 of the 11 affected eduction settings: (one has not been released to the media)
St Sampson's High School, Le Murier, Hautes Capelles, Grammar School & Sixth Form Centre, Amherst, Elizabeth College, Elizabeth College Junior School, The Ladies' College, Maylands and Little Bears