Lockdown wildlife gallery planned by Societe
ISLANDERS are being encouraged to take photographs of wildlife while out on their daily exercise.

It is an initiative launched by La Societe Guernesiaise this week, called A Look at Lockdown.
The idea is that with less traffic on the roads, islanders will see more wildlife. They are being encouraged to take photographs and submit them to the organisation.
As well as building a visual gallery, the pictures will be used by the Biological Record Centre to produce data about local wildlife.

Often it is the common species that do not always get noticed, such as robins and gulls, but it is just as important to know how these species are doing as it is for uncommon visitors.
Pictures should be taken during the two hours’ daily exercise allowed and people are asked to be respectful and not disturb wildlife.

Photographs should be emailed to communications@societe.org.gg by Sunday 28 February. The entry should include the name of the photographer, the subject, the location and the date the picture was taken.
Once this has been received, the photographs will be featured on www.societe.org.gg and the data submitted to www.biologicalrecordscentre.gov.gg.
The online gallery will be revealed on Monday 8 March.