It’s back to business next week but within limitations
LOW RISK businesses which are not public-facing can return to work at the start of next week – within limits.

Where work cannot be done remotely, up to five employees can work indoors or up to 10 outdoors so long as social distancing and hand-washing measures are followed.
Properties which are occupied cannot be attended to complete work, such as private properties or public buildings.
Any businesses intending to operate must complete a notification form on the States Covid website and self-declare that they will operate within regulations.
Compliance monitoring checks will be carried out by Environmental Health and Pollution Regulation.
Alderney residents who completed the form yesterday can start from today.
Civil Contingencies Authority advisor Deputy Heidi Soulsby said the risk of viral transmission will increase as we move into Stage 1, which allows low risk activities.
Because of this, it is hugely important that if staff show symptoms – however mild – then they must stay home, report symptoms and be tested.
‘It is really so important that the business community works with us on this,’ Deputy Soulsby said. ‘We want to move through the stages as quickly as possible but we’ll only be able to do so if everyone follows the rules.’
Businesses are requested not to try to work around the rules. ‘Please respect and stick to what the spirit of these rules is trying to achieve. It’s for everyone’s benefit that we do, as it means we’ll be out of this sooner rather than later.’
CCA chairman Peter Ferbrache said the limits on numbers were absolute, not discretionary.
Deliveries and takeaways can resume operations if they can meet the Stage 1 requirements, with collections being done outside.
Visit: to notify an intention to resume working.