Guernsey Press

Islander looking for venue to host post-lockdown auction of Bailiwick art

LOCAL lockdown creations will be auctioned for charity in Stage 3 of the exit strategy.

Last updated
Mark Keeling is appealing for lockdown artists and venue holders to host a charity auction of lockdown creations once public gatherings can be resumed. (Picture by Lyanne Keeling)

Mark Keeling is inviting venue holders and islanders with lockdown pieces and to get in touch.

As it is unknown when lockdown will end the auction is still in the planning stage.

Currently local charities Guernsey Wooden Spoon and Guernsey Mind have been pencilled in as the recipients of the funds, which may extend to include the Social Investment Fund’s Covid-19 Community Charity Appeal.

‘I just thought it would be good to celebrate the end of lockdown, do some charity fundraising and showcase the artwork islanders have made,’ said Mr Keeling.

‘Loads of people have said they are doing crafty bits and bobs in lockdown.’

Each artist can contribute a number of pieces to be auctioned, depending on the uptake.

‘I’ve been doing oil paintings myself but it’s got to the point where I have too many to hang on the wall. My daughter [Lyanne Keeling] has been designing digital art and exhibiting it on clothing and would like to donate some. I thought that by doing a charity auction after lockdown, people could donate their bits of art they have done too.’

Rather than setting up a fundraising page, all funds will be raised through the auction and split between the chosen charities.

The auction aims to exhibit and celebrate the Bailiwick’s lockdown culture while supporting local charities and artists, plus offering an event at a time of unprecedented cancellations.

Professional auctioneers have been contacted to manage the bidding processes.

‘The only thing I’m struggling with is a venue. Beau Sejour is busy with the vaccine centre and St James is closed at the moment, so I haven’t been able to get hold of anyone there.’

Planning now will ensure there is time to finalise pieces, the venue and all other details.

‘Now’s the right time to get the word out so people have time to plan or create a couple more pieces before lockdown is over.

‘Once we do get a venue and have people on board we will be able to give a date and all the details.’

n If you would like to offer your venue or lockdown creations please contact Mark at: 07781109585.

n Visit: for the Facebook page ‘Guernsey Unlock Your Art’ where donated pieces will be posted.