Demand for property is outstripping supply
DEMAND is outstripping supply as the property market gets moving again this week.

Listing, viewing, surveying and sale of properties can now take place under certain strict conditions which avoid contact between people.
Estate agents have been operating remotely during the lockdown, but now the restrictions have relaxed slightly, allowing sales to move forward.
Cooper Brouard director Matt Brouard said it had been a very busy few days and the market was quickly reverting to the busy state it was in before lockdown.
‘The local market team have started to promote a few properties,’ he said.
‘Some of them we took on just before lockdown.
‘It’s going to be a very busy spring.’
He said offers had been coming in very quickly and they had about 30 properties under offer currently – some of which went under offer during lockdown.
Video valuations have been taking place to try to get more properties on the books and viewings can take place if the house is empty.
This can be slightly challenging, with many people home working or doing home schooling.
Cranfords rental manager Natalie Vile said they had not seen the same sharp rise in interest in property as they had after the last lockdown, but she said this was probably due to the limited supply available.
‘We’ve made a few bookings and some viewings,’ she said.
‘But some people still want to stay at home. It’s been a slow start compared with last year. That’s definitely down to supply.’
In the rental market, there is again more demand than supply. Miss Viles said some landlords sold their properties last summer and that had led to a shortage in supply.
Once properties have gone under offer, valuations needed to take place with mortgages organised.
The Skipton mortgage team is still working remotely, but appointments can be held via Zoom meeting, telephone calls can still be taken, and items can still be posted to the company’s office.
Business development manager Roger Hughes said it was exciting that property purchases could now start again.
‘Valuations are now able to take place under Covid guidelines, and we are looking forward to seeing the local property market active once again, especially now that spring is almost upon us – historically the most popular time to move house,’ he said.