Guernsey will move to stage two of exit from lockdown next week
STAGE two of the island’s exit from lockdown will start on Monday, it was confirmed today.

From next week gatherings of up to 30 people outdoors and 20 people indoors will be able to take place, but they must be socially distanced if they are not from the same household or household bubble.
Bubbles will be extended, so two bubbled up households can join another bubble made up of two households, totalling up to four households.
In addition public facing businesses, including non-essential retail, can operate, with the exception of nightclubs, subject to following Public Health guidance.
It also includes restaurants, pubs, hotels and other food establishments which will be able to operate. It will be table service only, while food must be served not just alcohol and there is a limit of 10 people per table.
Recreational time will also be unlimited.
Civil Contingencies Authority chairman Peter Ferbrache declared the announcement as good news following Civil Contingencies Authority meetings.
He highlighted three pieces of news.
‘The CCA, after due consideration, yesterday decided that as from this coming Monday, Guernsey will move from stage one to stage two,’ he said.
‘Secondly, tomorrow Sark will move from stage two to stage three.
‘The third item is that our commercial fishermen who were used to landing their catches outside the Bailiwick pre-Covid can from today can do so again, subject to proper method statements to make sure the virus isn’t brought back and protections are made.’
He added he wanted to get to stage two as safely as possible, however, there would always be risk, advising people that if they are unhappy to do certain things allowed in stage two then not to do them.
Face coverings continue to be a requirement in stage two for indoor public places and public transport and strongly recommended in other places where there are likely to be other people from outside household bubbles.
Deputy Ferbrache added that border openings were still actively being considered.
While Public Health director Dr Nicola Brink spoke of the Brazilian variant.
With education settings due to open on Monday also, Deputy Ferbrache, said that Friday’s press conference would see Education, Sport & Culture president Andrea Dudley-Owen join the panel.
*For the updated guidance, visit