Finish date for first-phase vaccinations now 8 May
ALL islanders in the first nine priority groups should have received their first vaccine by 8 May, according to the latest data from the States.

This is slightly later than the 30 April date given in the Bailiwick blueprint on Friday.
And planning is under way for how the rest of the island, including children, will be vaccinated.
It had been hoped that everyone in the first phase – which includes people over 50 – would have had their first jabs by 30 April.
That would have allowed regionalised quarantine rules to be introduced, based on Covid case numbers from where people were travelling.
After the first doses are given for this first group, there will then be two weeks of clinics to vaccinate anyone who had been missed or changed their mind about getting the jab.
Details of phase two of the vaccination programme have yet to be revealed, but it is anticipated it will see age group vaccinating continuing, but with people in public-facing jobs such as teachers and police officers being vaccinated early.
It is hoped phase two will start on 24 May. This programme will then run alongside giving second doses to people in phase one.
The States is planning how to vaccinate children and young people. Currently people under 16 cannot be vaccinated as child studies are still being undertaken by the drug manufacturers.
The vaccine trials could determine when children get the jab.
‘However, early stage planning is taking place to ensure we are ready as soon as the vaccine is approved for children and young people,’ a spokesman said.
Vaccination programme status
Group 1
Older adults in care homes and those working with older adults.
All have received both doses of the vaccine if wanted.
Groups 2a and 2b
Islanders over 80 and front line health and care staff.
All have received first dose of the vaccine if wanted.
Group 3, 4a, 4b and 5
Islanders over 75, 70 and 65 and the clinically extremely vulnerable.
All have received first dose of the vaccine if wanted.
Group 6
People aged 18 to 65, at moderate risk.
All invitation letters will be sent out by the end of March.
Group 7
Those aged 60 and over.
Invitation letters started being posted out in batches on Monday. All should have been sent by 20 March and people should have their first dose by 28 March.
Group 8
People aged 55 and over
Invitation letters will be posted out in batches from Monday and they should have their first dose by 10 April.
Group 9
People aged 50 and over
Invitation letters will be posted out in batches from 6 April and they should have their first dose by 8 May.