Runners’ pandemic experiences needed for university’s study
ALL-ABILITY runners are invited to take part in a study looking at how their running habits have changed during the pandemic, and what impact running could potentially have on the virus itself.

Researchers from the University of Nottingham have developed the study called Running Through and will look at running/training data so they can examine any changes in running habits associated with current restrictions.
Dr Joanne Stocks, assistant professor in sports and exercise medicine, is one of the researchers leading the study and said the data will help to understand the impact of the pandemic on the running communities.
‘We will also be able to see what impact running could potentially have on the severity of Covid-19 or whether it aids recovery time,’ she said.
People living in Guernsey have a higher life expectancy compared to other parts of the UK so everyone is invited to take part to enable academics to understand how physical activity levels can contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
‘Through understanding how different injuries and illnesses in Guernsey affect long-term sport participation, we can also identify if resources available to runners in Guernsey should be utilised to help other runners in the future,’ Dr Stocks said.
The team is undertaking a global survey and has, particularly, reached out to communities such as Australia, New Zealand and now Guernsey so that they can consider the impact depending on different lockdown circumstances.
Alun Williams, Be Active lead at the Health Improvement Commission, is helping the Running Through project link with local runners.
‘The Bailiwick has had a unique lockdown and post-lockdown experience in terms of activity generally and running in particular,’ he said.
‘Evidence from sources such as the running app Strava suggests that amongst people who use it, there has been an increase in the amount of running both informally and through engagement in organised events.’
For example, Guernsey Athletics hosted a busy programme of cross-country and road races from June 2020 to January 2021 and Guernsey was one of the first communities to restart parkruns once lockdown restrictions eased.
The experience is very different in England, where the study is based.
‘Events have not been organised for over a year and running take-up has varied according to region and different demographic sectors,’ Mr Williams said.
‘We are working with Dr Stocks to see if we can identify a group of Bailiwick runners to participate in the study so that they can track and monitor our different experience.’
If 50 runners sign up, there will be a sufficiently large cohort to report separately on the Guernsey experience.
. When Bailiwick athletes who take part reach the Which country do you live in? question, they should go to Other and specify.
. Find the survey at
. Watch a video explaining the study here: