Nine applications with planning department for more than a year
NINE planning applications have been with planners for consideration for more than a year – well outside the department’s 13-week target for most decisions.

There are currently about 400 live applications. It is the target of the department to make decisions for 80% of applications within eight weeks and 90% of decisions within 13 weeks.
‘Although there has been some disruption in decision times over the past year due to Covid-19, establishment of the fast-track process has helped to make good progress,’ a Development & Planning Authority spokeswoman said.
‘Since 6 April 2021, of the 215 planning applications decided, 71% of decisions have been issued within eight weeks and 83% within 13 weeks.’
There are 35 applications that have been with the Planning Service for more than six months. Of these, 26 have been with the department for between six months and a year, five for between a year and 18 months and two for between 18 months and two years. Two have been with the department for more than two years. Its oldest live application relates to the demolition and replacement of Dolphins, Jerbourg Road, which is a protected building.
That application was submitted in August 2018 and the consultation ended in October that year.
‘These older applications are all ones where the Planning Service is engaging with the applicants in order to take the applications forward,’ the spokeswoman said.
‘Applications may commonly be deferred to secure additional information or revised plans. The Planning Service always seeks to achieve a positive outcome, wherever possible, and deferred applications are moved forward through discussion with applicants or their agents.’