Education drop-in event attracts few islanders
A LACK of engagement at the most recent secondary school drop-in shows there is not a groundswell of objections, Education president Andrea Dudley-Owen has said.

Education is proposing having schools for ages 11-16 at Les Beaucamps, Les Varendes and St Sampson’s High, as well as post-16 education centred at Les Ozouets.
Previous proposals have seen several education committees ousted due to public objections.
However, only a handful turned up for Saturday’s drop-in at the Visitor Information Centre.
‘I did not know what to expect, but I am not surprised it is quiet,’ Deputy Dudley-Owen said.
‘Certainly the people who are coming in are engaging with us.
‘We know there are many different opinions, but we also know the people of Guernsey are very good at letting us know when they are not happy and we are not hearing that.’
There have already been several public meetings held, with varying attendance numbers.
Some teachers have raised concerns and a few deputies have also raised worries.
Deputy Dudley-Owen said her committee had worked hard to take everyone with them and that included the politicians who would eventually vote on the policy letter.
She hoped that by teaching them about the wider education strategy and how the current proposals fitted into that, they would be more likely to support it.
She said she was not making a list of which way deputies were likely to vote, but was hopeful the majority would back the proposals. Some deputies have already publicly announced they plan to submit amendments.
Deputy Dudley-Owen said they had been talking to those deputies and added that it was important that the current Assembly takes a collaborative approach to projects.
The proposals are set to be debated by the States on 14 July.
A further drop-in will be held at Beau Sejour on Saturday between 9am and 11am.