Guernsey Press

Traffic flow study will be carried out by CCTV

TEMPORARY CCTV cameras will be installed at some of the busiest junctions next week as part of a major traffic survey of Town.


Automatic counters will be in place for seven days from Wednesday to record the volume and frequency of traffic on main roads into and around central St Peter Port.

The cameras, which are not recording speed, will be at various locations, including the Weighbridge roundabout, the junction between Fountain Street and The Quay, the top of Le Val des Terres, Trinity Square, and various points on St Julian’s Avenue, The Grange and Bulwer Avenue.

They will also survey junctions on some smaller routes, such as Cornet Street and Tower Hill.

As well as traffic numbers, the equipment will build up a picture of traffic flows, with a detailed analysis of drivers’ manoeuvres.

Data gathered will be used to help inform the regeneration plans for the Lower Pollet, South Esplanade and Mignot Plateau, and the Old Quarter.

The statistics will also be used by the Seafront Enhancement Group.

Last month the States agreed to set up a new development and regeneration board to progress that workstream.

Damon Hackley, director of operations – economy, infrastructure, environment, culture, at the States, said a traffic assessment was a key element when considering developments.

‘Any potential impacts, positive or negative, are assessed against the current traffic levels, so having up to date information on that is essential.

‘The study was due to happen last year, but was delayed due to Covid-19. However that delay turned out to be an opportunity.

‘A number of other projects have progressed in the meantime, which will also need up to date information on traffic flows and vehicle numbers.

‘This is the result of States committees working together, so we can satisfy all of these requirements in one study.’

Owing to the specialised nature of the work, the study is being conducted by a UK firm, using specialist equipment and analysis systems.

The contractors have been told to follow all the Covid-19 travel requirements.