Interim repairs begin on Alderney’s runway
REPAIRS to Alderney’s runway have started as a stop-gap measure before its delayed full refurbishment.

A specialist UK contractor has taken on the interim repairs, which involve working 20 nights on the runway, aprons and taxiways.
Newly-developed materials are being used to keep the airport operational until a decision is reached on the various options for runway strengthening, widening or lengthening to accommodate larger aircraft.
‘We have carefully planned the extent and nature of the summer works and we are committed to keeping the airport fully operational until the rehabilitation project is delivered,’ said Guernsey and Alderney head of airside operations, Dan Townsend.
Medevac arrangements will not be affected by the repairs.
The States of Guernsey committed to the longer-term, full rehabilitation project in 2019 and included it in the draft Government Work Plan priority capital projects list. Designs were progressed but the project was suspended last year due to Covid.
The main construction contract for the work will be awarded at the end of 2021.
Mr Townsend said three options for the major capital project were being considered.
‘If the option to extend the runway is chosen, and the runway rehabilitation project is delayed beyond spring 2022, Guernsey Ports will assess whether further work is needed for summer 2022.
‘In the light of this possibility, some repair work has been brought forward and included in the 2021 programme.’
Aurigny is working closely with Guernsey Ports on the various future options for the airport and a larger ATR aircraft will be making low-level approaches into Alderney without landing to help assess the value of a longer runway.