Petit Viaer Marchi still packs Punch
PETIT it may have been, but this year’s Viaer Marchi nonetheless managed to deliver a successful cut-down version of the huge annual event.

Faced with uncertainty over holding it as usual on the first Monday in July, just as borders were due to open, National Trust of Guernsey councillor Sean Martin said it did not want to take the risk. ‘If we’d had to cancel it we would have lost thousands of pounds.’
Staging it in the courtyard and grounds of the trust-operated Folk Museum, rather than across Saumarez Park, meant costs could be kept down while still providing a strong flavour of what makes the big event so popular.
It was also a return to the Viaer Marchi’s roots. ‘It started here over half a century ago,’ Mr Martin said.
Around the main area were stalls offering traditional favourites like bean jar, gache and cider, while on the grass behind the bar was a bric-a-brac stall, book stall, flowers and the 'eclectic' stall where Mark Chilcott was offering an array of old local objects for sale.
A key element of the market is the craft demonstrations, and these were found inside the main building with lace-making, spinning and basket-weaving all taking place.
Many people were clearly enjoying themselves despite the reduced size, although visitor Katie Conway said she missed the ‘proper one’.
Her mum Betty was enjoying herself, though. ‘I feel you have to support these things otherwise they will just die out.'