Guernsey Press

50 frocks in 50 days benefits Pink Ladies

A CREATIVE challenge attempted by two local women has so far raised more than £500 for The Pink Ladies.

Abbi Rouse, left, and Jemima Guilbert who are more than halfway through their 50 frocks in 50 days challenge. (Picture by Cassidy Jones, 29764732)

Good friends Jemima Guilbert and Abbi Rouse challenged themselves to wear 50 frocks for 50 days from 7 June. More than halfway through the challenge, the pair said they were determined to finish. Together they have attended Seafront Sundays, summer fetes and karaoke nights in their flamboyant frocks.

They even participated in the Pink Ladies Sunset Walk, dressed up as dazzling bride and bridesmaid duo.

Mrs Rouse said although they have been buying dresses from local charity shops to complete the challenge, but she has also enjoyed wearing the dresses hidden at the back of her cupboard.

‘For some reason we tend to save our best dresses for special events, not for every day, and it’s been fun to dress up and do our hair and look good,’ she said.

‘One dress I wore for the challenge I had only worn twice before, in 20 years of owning it.’

She added that although they are both enjoying the challenge and the public’s support, everyone has personal ties to cancer, so it was important that the message of beating cancer is not lost.

They both have experienced friends and family diagnosed with the disease. Miss Guilbert as a trans-woman going through hormone replacement therapy, so is at a greater risk of developing breast cancer.

‘We are tackling a challenging topic with light-hearted humour,’ Mrs Rouse said.

They hoped more donations would come and a grand finale event could be organised for 26 July, when the challenge is set to end.

n Donations can be made at