Hands off Pointues Rocques, say residents
THE proposed housing development at Pointues Rocques was the dominant topic at a St Sampson’s Douzaine drop-in session at the Constables Office on Saturday.

PF&A have submitted plans to build 68 homes on the site in the first phase of the project near Delancey Park, of which 30% will be for the Guernsey Housing Association LBG.
Douzenier Andrew Carre said parishioners were getting tired of having to continually write letters of objection to the planning authority.
‘Most are complaining about the traffic problems but now we have people from further afield who are concerned about the drainage,’ he said.
‘The site is a high one and they don’t think the culverts and douits below will be able to cope with the run-off.’
The douzaine was not against development but thought it had to be done in a more structured way and people needed to look at the wider picture.
‘I would like to see the States reverse its decision and remove Pointues Rocques as a housing target area,’ said Mr Carre.
‘It might have been fit for purpose 20 years ago but things have changed and we don’t think it is now.’
Andrew Way, 65, said his family had owned property in Robergerie Lane since the 1840s.
Some it was fields which border the northern boundary of the proposed development which were classed as an area of important landscape.
‘That’s why I’ll never get rid of them to make sure they are not developed,’ he said.
The biggest problem with Pointues Rocques was the access to and from the site.
‘I don’t know how children will be able to walk to and from school safely,’ he said.
‘Everybody knows the need for affordable housing but only 30% of it will be for the GHA and we don’t know what they will do with the rest.’
As a member of the Delancey Conservation Committee, Mr Way was putting flyers through letter boxes highlighting what he said would be the harm on the environment from developing the site.